Watching the sky in the Land of the long white cloud

Watching the sky in the Land of the long white cloud

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Whats this all about ?

Well, I finally stopped uber procrastinating and started a UFO/Exopolitics Blog.
I don't pretend to have all the answers, I guess I just want to present what I have found out
thus far and hear peoples opinion on this seemingly 'Taboo 'subject.

Whilst I would certainly classify my self as a "Believer" , I still occasionally suffer bouts of Skepticism, until I rationalise and realise that skepticism in the face of Overwhelming Evidence
is just plain Ignorance.

So, What do I do about it ?
Create a Blog !

I know,I Know just what the world needs, but I got to start somewhere.
If your a newbie to UFO's and such, I strongly susgest YOU start Here.

If you have links to good quality Ufo/Exopolitics sites Id love to hear from you!

I probably should have posted this first !.....But I got so excited by the DR ED mitchell news
that It was my first post.


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