Watching the sky in the Land of the long white cloud

Watching the sky in the Land of the long white cloud

Monday, May 3, 2010

Larry King Live-Are Aliens a threat..?...

I'm wondering what Hawkings old mate Roger Penrose might think...?

Hawklings reasoning seems a tad anthropocentric for my liking, and having read most of what Kaku has written over the years, I find it hard to believe he could run with Hawkings proclimations.
Just towing the Mainstream Scientific Meme I guess...
Although in part 3 he seems to generally disagree with Hawking so....

They should all have shutup and let Dan Akroyd do all the talking !

At leaste they got the " They will contact Us first " deal correct...

A type 3 Civilisation is hardly likely to notice the space-time bound signal transmissions of a type 0 civilisation, as it's more likely they communicate across the Universe at a sub Quantum level Outside of Space-time....So highly Advanced Aliens that Don't already know about us are unlikely to notice our feeble energy bursts.

This is of course all Moot, Because Advanced Civilisations have been in contact with us for Millena !

It's only now that it's starting to be more widely accepted....

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